Jessica Pollema from South Dakota Canvassing gave her fourth and final West River presentation on July 21 in Belle Fourche. While Butte County itself isn’t in the top three counties that suffer with the most election integrity issues, she showed Butte County citizens the data to prove that our county is highly vulnerable to our votes, and thereby our elections, being hijacked and our voices not heard. As Anna Marrs commented, “Because South Dakota has ‘black box’ election results, third-party contractors running elections, no audits, and questionable voter rolls,” we really don’t know if any of our elections at the local and state levels are secure and true. This rings true most for Lincoln, Minnehaha and Pennington counties, which have the highest percentages of data showing voter fraud.
When asked about his thoughts on the presentation, Robert VanSickle commented:
The lack of transparency from our government agencies to the voters concerning information on our elections is alarming and deeply concerning, as well as the management of our elections and everything pertaining to them being centralized in Pierre and organizations out of state (even overseas), rather than being managed in a decentralized manner by the county auditor, as written in state law. On top of that, our civil servants (certain ones anyway) seem to be in denial of the facts presented by Jessica Pollema. As SD Canvassing posted on their Facebook page:
“District 31 State Rep. Mary Fitzgerald attended our presentation in Belle Fourche Friday evening. Kudos to her for attending. She couldn’t wait to voice her opinion from the back of the room after the presentation and started out her comments with this: “First of all, I disagree with nearly everything you said.” During the part of the presentation on Cast Vote Records she was muttering “they are proprietary, they are proprietary.” Sounds like Rep. Fitzgerald has been listening to our other uninformed and ignorant public officials who drink the kool-aid of machine company propaganda. If Rep. Fitzgerald had bothered to stick around afterwards for a discussion on cast vote records, we may have been able to dispel the belief that cast vote records are proprietary and will identify a voter. UNDERSTAND THIS: If our machines are able to tie a voter with their ballot, they are out of compliance with state law, mandating a secret ballot, and therefore are illegally disclosing how a voter voted. SO, IF our machines do this, which they don’t, then they are illegal and must be brought to the trash heap immediately. SECONDLY: If the audit trail for our elections is proprietary, this is also not an election conducted in a free society, a representative republic. It is a state sponsored communist “election”. AMERICAN ELECTIONS ARE INTENDED TO BE FREE, FAIR, OPEN, TRANSPARENT, AND AUDITABLE ELECTIONS OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, AND FOR THE PEOPLE. Every time these “elected” officials open their mouths they admit our elections are totally out of the control of the people and have been handed over to an entity, either the government or the machine company, to determine the outcome. THIS IS NOT HOW ELECTIONS ARE RUN IN A FREE COUNTRY!! Paper ballots, hand counted in the precinct, one day voting, military only absentee, State issued PHOTO ID, election day holiday. This is how we save our republic. Without it, our country is lost forever.”
While the information given in the presentation was enough to make one feel like there’s no way to combat it, Jessica gave a list of what we can to at the county level to ensure free and fair elections:
- Clean out the voter rolls
- Ban all electronic elections equipment
- Voter ID with paper ballots only
- Ban mail-in voting
- Ban early voting
- Drastically smaller precincts
- Ban ballot harvesting
- Election Day is a holiday
- New reporting requirements for transparency
- Heavy prison sentences for all who commit fraud
A united community voicing what we want for our elections in our county is what counts, and can cause a ripple effect to the other counties in our state. Don’t be afraid to stand up and use your voice!
Click here to watch the presentation in Belle Fourche, hosted by CCOBC
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