Travis Ismay never fails to keep fellow citizens informed, even back in 2022 when the wave of marijuana business approvals came through the county commission and he tried to tell them what would happen, what they should do to mitigate it, etc. Looking back on these posts as we near the end of 2023, it seems what Travis writes aged very well! The commission and state’s attorney are great at weaponizing the law against us, abusing their power, and weaponizing the media to try to shut us down and humiliate us, yet here we are, stronger than ever!
May 2022
Good evening everyone, The County Commissioner meeting was interesting, good, but interesting. The good news is they tabled the final approval of the grow farm south of Newell until next meeting. Stan Harms really surprised me today. He told the board that we need to have some sort of enforcement mechanism in place for their ordinance before he will sign the final approval. I volunteered to be the inspector, yet no one seem to like that. We found out that they have no idea where any of the grow farms actually are. One of the county commissioners stated that if she knew who was at that address, and where it was, it would’ve “put up red flags,” whatever that means. I also was accused of being a liar by James Ager and spreading misinformation by Carol Herman. Which was rather interesting since that James Ager came to one of our meetings and boldface lied to us about voting no on Unlimited grow farms. He not only voted for unlimited grow farms, he made the motion to adopt the ordinance, and then had the nerve to tell me that stating the opinion of “they need to start listening to their sheriff” was a lie.
Just so everyone knows, if I ever tell anyone anything that isn’t true, I will fess up to it and make it right. I will never intentionally lie to anyone. But I didn’t lie.
I think that they’re realizing that they screwed up bad and they don’t know how to fix it. They were doing a lot of complaining about the state and how they had to get their ordinance in place before the nonexistent deadline(according to the Attorney General‘s office). The thing I don’t get, is even if they had to have an ordinance in place, why did they approve all of the dispensaries, grow farms and manufacturing facilities? The state did not force them to approve anything. Fine, get your ordinance in place, you can change it later but why approve every facility that applied?
If anyone needs any information or just wants to visit about this, drop me a message.
May 2022
Hello, I’m back again, this time with some fun facts about your Butte county commissioners!! First off, I encourage everyone to get out do your civic duty, and vote Tuesday June 7.
Frank Walton has been a commissioner for the last 20 years. He has been good at attending every meeting but look up his voting record. He has voted with the commission, not for his voters’ best interest. One recent meeting he made the comment, “I’m not in favor of any of this, but I make a motion to approve both of these permits”(medical marijuana). Why would you vote for it if you’re against it?
He also voted in favor of all the grow farms without knowing where they would be located, which is not unique. The other 4 commissioners did exactly the same thing.
James Ager says all the right things but his actions are a whole different ball game. He indicated to our group that he was against unlimited grow farms in the county, and in fact voted against it. Sadly, the truth is, James not only voted for Unlimited grow farms in butte county but made the motion to adopt the ordinance and voted in favor of medical marijuana every time it has came up, including every grow farm, dispensary and manufacturing facility.
Kim Richards has no problem telling taxpayers concerned about our county to sit down or yell “that’s enough!” After we ask a question. Yet lets a proponent of medical marijuana talk all they want, and is cordial to them. Don’t believe me, ask, we have it recorded. I know Kim‘s not running anymore but he needs to be called out on his bully tactics during the meetings. Try letting us ask a few questions, Kim, you guys might learn something about the marijuana proponents that you don’t know.
Anyway, that’s our outlook on our current commissioners that are running for re-election. Please do your own research, but please research, before you vote. For most of the information that you need, go to and click on commission. It’s not that hard, if this old rancher can do it, so can you.
Thank you
Dec 2022
At the last County Commissioner meeting this was the time used by different people participating in public comment. See if you can figure out where there is extreme partiality.
Dale Simonton anti-pot 3:03
Katie Hoffmann anti-pot 4:28
Travis Ismay anti-pot 2:09
Brian Menger pro-pot 12:52
This is the so-called rules that they set forth in the agenda for that meeting. If our county commissioners are going to set up rules for a meeting, it should apply for everyone not just one specific side. I will be calling for the immediate dismissal of our County Commissioners and a charge of extreme partiality for grounds for dismissal. This is only the latest insanity from our county commissioners. I have many more examples that I will be bringing up to the states attorney, and if she will not do anything about it, I will be going to the attorney generals office.
Merry Christmas!!!!! Kim Richerds, Stan Harms, James Ager, Carol Herman and Frank Walton.