Our goals are to inform and involve our fellow Butte County citizens in order to positively impact and change our local government. By working together, we hope to help bring our local government back to its roots of serving the people with transparency and integrity.
How do we do this?
First, we hold weekly meetings, maintain a consistent presence at county meetings, share what we learned about the quality of effort our civil servants do when they approach their jobs, and come up with solutions to make the weak points stronger.
Secondly, we’re also working on bringing in speakers to help continually educate ourselves and our fellow citizens, organize fundraising events, and use those funds to make our movement grow stronger and have a farther reach to help other counties do the same.
Lastly, we pray and pray often! As Christians, we continually ask God to lead and protect us in this endeavor and we ask for as many prayers as we can get!
Find us on the following social media platforms:
Concerned Citizens of Butte County Facebook Group
News Page on Facebook