Ordinance 2021-01 (page 3) A temporary ordinance, essentially a placeholder, to regulate medical marijuana in Butte County. This ordinance was effective five days before the state medical marijuana law went into effect,…
Tag: butte county
Video Clips From the Butte County Town Hall, Hosted by CCOBC 7/5/23
Concerned Citizens of Butte County hosted a Town Hall to inform attendees about their Constitutional rights, what’s been happening at county commission meetings, and take questions from the audience. Guests included State…
Katie Hoffmann Peacefully Protests During Public Comment 5/23/23
Today, I am happy to offer you my side of this encounter at a county commissioner meeting and you can decide! For two years, Butte County citizens have shown up in hopes…
What A Good Commissioner Looks Like
Commissioner Erk hit the ground running as a new commissioner by tackling the cattle guard issue with poise, intelligence, critical thinking skills and a perspective of protecting and representing the constituents of…